I promise I haven't falled off the face of the earth. I'm still here! I have just been really busy. Let's see, my last post was on Friday. I work 10 hours each on Saturday and Sunday. I'm training someone new at work this week because I'm leaving. Yep, ya heard right. I got a new job. My last day is Friday. I'm really going to miss everyone at the hospital. I've worked there for over four years, they're like family. However, I'm really excited about my new job!! I'll be working with kiddos! Yippie! Sick kiddos but kiddos nonetheless. So anyway, on top of being super busy and tired, my Internet at home has been sketchy lately so I haven't been able to get online. Most irritating. But I am alive and well.
New in my life:
- New job, which I start on Monday, the 10th. This brings a lot of things. New way to work, new hours (8:00-4:30), new insurance, new people...
- New niece, born on November 19th.
- New job, for my mother which she starts on the 10th as well. Yippie! So excited for her! Congrats, Moma!
- New school, for my husband for next semester. (He signed up for his classes today and thankful to was able to get into everything he needed! Will graduate 2009 (again)!
- New school, for my best friend who just found out yesterday (Dec. 3rd) that she was in. YEA!! Congrats, Sarah F!
- New releases for my sister, Anna, with her newly formatted music! Check it out at http://www.myspace.com/annacshepherd ! (They're available for purchase and WELL worth it!) Congrats Anna! I think you're awesome!
- New plan of action for my foot, more on that later!
As you can see, there's a lot of changes going on around here. I'm feeling a bit discombobulated (hehehe, Dorothy!). But I really am enjoying it. I'm trying to think about how things are going to change when I switch jobs and it's going to be interesting. I'm already missing some people and I haven't even left yet. ::sigh:: I am really excited about it. I'm thinking working for Dr. B will be great. Everyone I've dealt with so far as been wonderful. So here's hopin'. You know I'll keep you updated.
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