Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Backwards Works For Me Wednesday

The Backwards Edition
Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer does a backwards Works for me Wednesday once every month. It's my turn to ask a question. It was after much debate that I decided to ask for help with a cleaning schedule. It seems that when I get one thing clean and ahead, I look back and have something else fall behind. Laundry's always an issue too. I get caught and only to find I'm behind again. Someone please help! I need some kind of schedule...


Emily said...

Can I suggest you check out Abbi's post on her cleaning schedule? I'm working on implementing it in our household as well...and it is working nicely. :)

Amanda said...

Go to it a is a life changing website. :)

Unknown said...

well my routine is pretty simple. i took the basic things which need to be done around the house and divided them up by day. so on mondays, wed, and fri, i mop. on tuesday i vacuum and dust. thursday i clean my bathroom, fri the guest bathroom. i also took all of my loads of laundry and divided them up. tuesday i do whites and darks. thurs darks and my sons. fri the linens. this is an example of what i've done but it's totally what works for me and my house. so i suggest you look at your life, your house, your chores, and divide and conquer. that way you aren't doing everything on one day. and within a week's time, your entire house gets cleaned. oh and i try not to do any cleaning besides maintenance on the weekends. hope you can find something that works for you!!

tickledpink.nicole said...

It always makes me feel better when I repeat FlyLady's mantra of you are never behind, start from where you are today.

Blessings, Nicole