As I lie here and type this with one hand, my little seven month old niece lays sleeping next to me. I'm not sure that there is much that can top this feeling. There's just something about a sleeping baby. While they are generally innocent by nature, watching them sleep is something else entirely. I'm afraid to move as we lay here on my parents' bed. She's become more mobile and I don't want her to roll off. I know that I could move the pillows around and she would be perfectly safe. But quite frankly, I'm enjoying laying next to this little angel so serene.
One day, she will grow up and not need naps anymore. One day, she will be a big girl with children of her own. I'd rather stay here with her now and soak in the innocence, the beauty of her sleeping face, and enjoy the moment. She may not be my daughter but laying here, I can pretend and know that one day, I'll be able to do the same with my children.
oh, I adore sleeping babies. You have a lovely blog, by the way!
I love the site of sleeping babies or toddlers or people sleeping in general it is just so peaceful.
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