Dear Pillow,
Please don't feel like I have neglected you. It was never my intention. Please forgive me for the restless nights and early mornings. They weren't my choice either. I miss our closeness as much as you do. If I could have changed them, I would. Oh, how I miss your warm fluffy softness. How I long to join you and keep you company for hours on end. Please don't take my absence personally. It is my wish to rid myself of the things that keep us apart but alas I cannot. Though I am trying to remedy the various situations that seperate our quality time together, they are out of my hands. Please accept this letter with the warmest regards. You are certainly missed. I am doing all I can to be home and spend some time with you.
Truly yours,
Maybe, my pillow should keep your pillow company...:O{
Hmmmm.....I can relate to this. Why is sleep always the first thing to go in our lives??
I just wanted to thank you for your prayers for my son and his peanut allergy. What a blessing it has been to know people from all over the blogosphere are praying for him!!
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