I'm addicted. =\ Yeah, you read it right. I'm addicted and it's not so much a good thing. I can't seem to make it a day without check my blogs and seeing what everyone has written. Okay, since I'm trying to be honest here, a few hours. Okay, happy? A few hours MAY go by before I feel the need to check my blogs. ::sigh:: So I have a problem. And it's enhanced with the fact that I don't have Internet at home. Not helping!!! Okay wait... Let's rethink this. Maybe it is? By not having internet at home, I can't check my blogs constantly? Maybe... but it's a little hard on the sanity. Google Reader is a wonderful thing. However, it's makes it a lot easier to keep track of your blogs. Now, some of you may be thinking, "Isn't that the purpose?" And you're right. The problem is that it works too well. I don't have to think as much. I can't remember the addresses to 43 websites. You read that right. 43... regularly updated too. Okay, well maybe 35 are regularly updated but still. Yeah, it's an obsession that I can't see to stop. Help!! 'Course, this wonderful invention that we call the Internet is full of wonderful blogs written by wonderful people so I'm sure my list will continue to grow wonderfully. Ugh... I'm sappy now. Slightly attached. Oh well... I'll be back later to check this. I have to go see my friend 'Reader' now!
If it helps, you are not alone. We are all seriously addicted to the blogging. And to think we had never heard the word "blog" a few years ago. And WHAT would we do without our blogs now?? The horror!
yea, I am right there with you and Mrs. Who. I am an addict, and I totally admit it!
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